Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Move to Assisted Living Causes a Range of Emotions

No matter how old we are, change can be difficult and the bigger the change, the more challenging. For the elderly, change can signal an end to a way of life they are most familiar with and cause a range of emotions from mourning a loss of independence to feelings of helplessness. Hopefully, it also offers a spark of excitement at starting a new adventure.

If you are an adult child of a senior who is in the process of transitioning into assisted living, experts offer tips to get through any rough patches. To make the move more successful, they recommended working as a team: the senior, the family, the new home and their doctor. As family members, it is important to recognize how intimidating the move can be in the eyes of your loved one as they are moving to a new environment with all new people. Experts say the adjustment period typically lasts for 30 to 90 days.

A senior can make it easier on themselves by keeping an open mind and realizing it will take a little while to adjust. Try to get out and enjoy your new environment rather than staying behind closed doors in your suite. If you are unsure how something works, ask questions. If you are having problems getting answers, talk to the management or ask your family to intervene.

Families can help the senior to set up their new apartment with familiar items and family memories including pictures and other favorite decor. Once they are settled, experts say don’t desert them but don’t overdo the visits. Allow them to find their own way and perhaps start making a few friends. If the community has family-friendly activities, join in when you can.

At MorningStar of Boulder, our goal is to meet residents’ physical, intellectual, spiritual and social needs. Along with luxury amenities and care services; our signature wellness programs and activities are designed to engage and encourage residents to live fully productive lives. Please contact us or visit our website for more information about MorningStar’s assisted living in Boulder, CO.

MorningStar has considered it a privilege and responsibility to “cast a new light” on senior living, inspired and empowered by our unique mission: to honor, to value, to invest. Our passionate commitment to serving seniors has proudly earned us a reputation for satisfaction that is second to none. Contact us to learn more about the finest assisted living Boulder, CO has to offer.

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