Thursday, March 28, 2019

Do a Spring Tune-up for All Your Health Needs

Now that spring is just around the corner, we are all looking forward to milder weather. If you have felt like you have been cooped up this winter, now is time to start thinking about getting out and taking care of your annual health needs

Remember just as we schedule tune-ups for our automobiles, it is also important to maintain our bodies to keep them running as smoothly as possible. For example, if it has been more than a year since your last eye exam, you should schedule one now. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends adults 65 years and older have a complete eye exam every year or two to check for age-related eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataract and other eye conditions.

If you feel like you are having difficulty following conversations, especially in a crowd of people, you should have your hearing tested. We encourage you to sign up to attend our monthly Hearing Clinic. In addition don’t forget about your teeth as that can lead to bigger problems, and remember even older adults can still get cavities. It is recommended you have your teeth cleaned and examined by a dentist each six to nine months. Regular health maintenance should also include having your blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol levels, and weight checked out by your primary care physician or by our Wellness Clinic. 

At MorningStar of Boulder, our holistic approach to senior retirement living is defined by providing all of the services, amenities and compassionate care to our residents for a lifestyle of comfort, wellness and community. Please visit our website to set up a tour to see firsthand our gorgeous, loving home. 

As one of the nation’s top assisted living companies, MorningStar of Boulder represents the best in senior living with a distinct mission statement - “to honor, to value, to invest.” Our foundation is built on honoring God, valuing all seniors and selecting staff with a felt calling to serve. While there are many senior retirement homes in the area, you will find we are uniquely one of a kind!

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